A propos de Simeris
Simeris est une société d'ingénierie spécialisée dans le développement de solutions industrielles innovantes depuis 2004 avec l'objectif d'optimiser la rentabilité de ses clients pour leur satisfaction.
Pour atteindre cet objectif, Simeris réunit ses propres spécialistes de l'intégration tels qu'ingénieurs mécanique, électricité, automatisme et robotique à travers un chef de projet pour accompagner ses clients tout au long d'une affaire. De plus Simeris peut compter sur un réseau éprouvé de fournisseurs spécialisés sur qui compter.
Pour satisfaire ses clients principaux et fidèles depuis 2004 tels que des fabricants automobiles, Simeris a dû être capable de garantir la bonne exécution de ces projets et le respect des normes en vigueurs tout en restant économiquement compétitif.
Notre histoire
Simeris is an engineering company providing a wide variety of services in industrial environment.
Simeris was created by Mr Laurent Seyve in Trnava, Slovakia on 14th of August 2004 as a division of the French company Cimlec Industrie under the name Cimlec Slovakia, Its first activities were mainly to help systems integrators in PSA Trnava and to train local operators and maintenance technicians. That help consisted in supplying industrial goods and services to those integrators and also in providing any administrative services they may needed.
After a while, successful projects and development of its network, Simeris has been able to expand its activity and provide more and more general services and goods to customers beyond the automotive field. Today, Simeris is still a family company, its general quarters remain in Slovakia while its Polish and French entities provide technical expertise and sales representation to local markets.
Creation of "Cimlec Slovakia"
Opening of sister company in Ostrow Wielkopolskie, Poland
Opening of sister company in Pistest, Romania
The historical general manager Mr Laurent Seyve becomes the unique shareholder and CEO of the company Cimlec Slovakia moves in new headquarters to expand its activity
Simeris starts to be represented in France
Cimlec Slovakia becomes Simeris
Simeris developes partnership with DCT Automotive in South Korea
Opening of sister company in Lyon, France
Simeris delivers its first projects in Asia (India) and in Africa (Morroco)